Ostinato Rigore in Research - Message from The Editor-In Chief
Raymond L. Rosales
Apr 2018 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.v2i1-editorial
Ostinato Rigore in Research
Message from The Editor-In Chief:
One of the benefits of having a dedicated platform for our JMUST publication is knowing precisely that there is traffic in our readership. Visits to our website, reading and downloading of our articles began on day one of our September 2017 first issue. This is certainly an early indication that our paradigm shift to online publication is more accessible outside our university community.
Anyone with a computer or smart device like a tablet or smart phone can instantaneously access our published materials for free. While this paperless technology renders ubiquity to our research outputs, we are most aware that nothing in research is rush or instant. As JMUST editor and researcher, I always recall Leonardo da Vinci’s ostinato rigore or unrelenting rigor. Methodical and persevering work ethic are the qualities in every research work or in masterful creations, as da Vinci demonstrated to us.
In this second issue of JMUST, like the first issue and every issue we will publish, we have peer-reviewed (a JMUST standard) selected articles that demonstrated rigor in research. Integral to our effort to maintain a good balance of content from USTFMS and USTH, we have added features such as Perspectives, Educational Trends, Medical Education Management, Special and News articles. We thank our editorial team particularly our dedicated peer reviewers also known as “unsung heroes” suffused with our own ostinato rigore. Painstaking decision on which content to be considered and published rests on the Associate Editors with the Chief Editor.
We are currently transitioning to electronic authoring platform to prepare for the third issue. The paper trail and turn-arounds from authors to editors to reviewers and back are quite daunting and definitely unsustainable. With our online authoring and review process, we will be able to efficiently manage communications with all stakeholders prior to electronic publication. We have pretested and reviewed our customized authoring platform and have begun training the editors, reviewers and potential authors.
We believe we are one of the few institutions in our country who are in the forefront of medical research, writing and publication. There are untapped research opportunities that we could help develop and expand. With JMUST, we contribute to increasing the visibility of the Philippines in medical science research. We continue to encourage international research collaborations not only through our university network but also through our membership in regional and global research-oriented organizations. Increased traffic in JMUST readership is anticipated as we grow and expand. In all these, we never lose sight of ostinato rigore, because above all, only disciplined research makes the cut.
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