Fork in the Road: Pick Research and Publication
Raymond L. Rosales
Oct 2022 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2022-0086

I see clinicians often and when time is kind, a conversation about research ensues. There is always interest but to actually engage in research, many shake their heads and sigh “no time.” I wonder about lost opportunities to learn and study diseases when clinicians are not inclined to or not supported in research.
At every stage of medical education, training, and professional practice whether in academia or in clinic or hospital, physicians inevitably encounter a fork in the road. The paths of clinician and/or academician are large lanes in the highway, yet at a junction, the highway becomes two roads, one to remain as clinician or academicians and the other to pursue research and publication. As well-known, many choose to remain in clinic or in classroom.
In reality, those seemingly divergent paths are parts of the ecosystem of medicine and service to public health. The clinicians and faculty can and have been doing research although their numbers are few.
To do research, long hours of training are required, and a few even pursue PhD to become physician scientists. Medical students, faculty, and clinicians who are inclined to do research need infrastructure for research support. From training to conducting clinical research to writing protocols, clinical reports, and eventually publishing, they need support every step of the way.
Publication of findings is an integral and final step in the research process. Whether the outcome validated or invalidated the hypothesis, research findings should be published. The public should know and there will always be learning that can build further research.
Here in JMUST, we have an academic journal with peer reviewers to assure quality of content before publication. We also have an electronic platform for submissions and authoring for seamless accessibility and review. As soon as approved for a particular issue, the articles are electronically published for the world to see.
We encourage our readers to join our path: research and publication!
For our JMUST October 2022 issue, we have 14 articles, which are as follows: four articles on clinical research, four articles on case reports, two viewpoint articles, and one article each on meta-analysis, telemedicine research, medical education, and clinical trial application.
Grateful as always to our editorial team and peer reviewers both here and internationally. We cannot thank you enough for sharing your time and expertise.
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