Viewpoint: Physician as a Clinician, Researcher, and Academician
Mary Suzette R. Cody, Raymond L. Rosales
Dec 2021 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2021-0161 Access

The daily work life of physicians who function as clinicians, researchers, and academicians is focused on improving public health and patient outcomes in three usually compartmentalized settings: clinics, classrooms, and centers for research. In these settings, physicians are addressing patients’ medical concerns based on evidence, and at the same time, considering if new information could lead to research and discovery for better patient outcomes. The physician then proceeds to mentor, teach, and train medical students in quality evidence-based clinical practice and the conduct of scientific research. The importance of operationally blending these three disciplines with research as a common thread is not only a big challenge for these physicians but also an opportunity to innovate for better public health.
Key words: Physician, clinician, researcher, academician, public health, physician-scientist
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