Self-efficacy of Filipino Physicians Towards Research and Research Utilization: A Single-Center Quantitative Descriptive Survey
Mary Joeline D. Arada, John Armand E. Aquino, Redmond Benigno S. Aquino, Miguel Luis O. Arkoncel, Belisarius Arandia, Ida Marie Tabangay-Lim
Apr 2022 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2020-0056 Access

Research Question: What is the current status of self-efficacy beliefs towards research and research utilization (RU) of University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (UST-FMS) graduates who had Clinical Epidemiology in their basic medical education curriculum?
Significance of the Study: There is an increase in research and RU trends globally as adherence to practice based on evidence results in improved patient outcomes. Limited studies are available in describing research and RU of Filipino physicians and there is no study available specific for UST-FMS graduates.
Objectives: The study aims to describe self-efficacy beliefs towards research and RU of UST-FMS graduates’ batches 2012-2016 who had Clinical Epidemiology in their basic medical education.
Study Design: A single-center, quantitative descriptive survey design was used.
Methodology: Participants were graduates of UST-FMS batches 2012-2016, currently working at the University of Santo Tomas Hospital. Evidence-based Practice Confidence Scale (EPIC scale) and Edmonton Research Orientation Survey (EROS) were used to assess the research and RU of the participants gathered through snowball sampling.
Statistical Analysis: Descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations were used to analyze the EPIC and EROS scores.
Results: The UST-FMS graduates value research and are generally confident in their ability to participate in evidence-based medicine. However, they rarely conduct research and have a low understanding of statistics.
Conclusion: The self-efficacy beliefs of UST-FMS graduates towards research and RU may be attributed to several factors. Clinical epidemiology as a subject may be improved by adding more lectures on statistics while hospitals should create avenues to support the conduct of research.
Keywords: self-efficacy belief, research and research utilization, Clinical Epidemiology, medical education curriculum
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