Prevalence and Predisposing Factors of Parkinson Disease: A Community-Based Study In Barangay Mangilag Sur, Candelaria, Quezon: A Research Protocol


Parkinson Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system caused by the death of dopaminergic cells in the ventral region of the pars compacta of the substancia nigra. The subsequent lack of dopamine causes movement-related disorders including tremors, rigidity, hypokinesia, and postural instability. The clinical diagnosis of PD is hinged on the triad of asymmetric bradykinesia, rest tremors and rigidity, with an expert (usually a Neurologist) eliminating those cases having mimics of the symptomatology. Development of the disease is through certain environmental, hereditary, and genetic factors. In the Philippines, PD is a rarely seen disorder and establishing of a prevalence study has been difficult for neurologists. Prevalence of the disease in the country has been estimated to be less than 1% based on a 2007 study conducted by the Philippine Neurologic Association but without ascertainment of cases. The researchers aim to determine the disease’s prevalence in a locale and explore on the possible predisposing factors on the development of the disease.

The research will be conducted through a two-phase descriptive design. Screening of the target population using a questionnaire will constitute the first phase, and the second phase will be through case ascertainment of positively screened participants by a neurologist. Point prevalence rate will be used for statistical treatment. The research protocol was approved by the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – Department of Clinical Epidemiology, as it adheres to the Declaration of Helsinki in clinical studies or surveys.


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