HLAB27 and HLADRB1 Genotyping of Spondyloarthropathies among Filipino Patients
Julie Li-Yu, Joenavin D. Ngo, Catherine Lyn T. Silao
Sep 2017 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2017-0006 Access

Objective: To investigate the role of HLA genes among Filipino patients of varying ages with spondyloarthropathies compared to healthy controls in a tertiary center.
Methods: This is a case-control study where the index patient is matched by a related and unrelated control. HLA-B27 and HLA-DRB1 genotyping were performed via polymerase chain reaction using sequence specific primers
Results: There were 47 index patients, mean age of 39.38 years, 22 females and 25 males. Of these, 25 had psoriatic arthritis (PsA), 19 ankylosing spondylitis (AS), 2 undifferentiated arthritis (UA), 1 inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). More females (64%) had PsA while more males (84%) had AS. HLAB-27 was identified in 22 patients. Among these, 17 were AS patients, 3 PsA, 2 UA, no IBD. HLAB27 was significantly associated with axial involvement (OR= 14, 95% CI3.38,58.07) and bilateral sacroiliitis (OR= 16.61, 95%CI 3.11,88.8), but not with peripheral involvement (OR=0.125, 95%CI 0.32, 0.485) (p<0.05). Of the HLAB27 + AS patients, 16 had axial symptoms, 14 had bilateral while 3 had unilateral sacroiliitis, 3 had uveitis. Of the HLAB27+ PsA patients, 2 have prominent axial involvement, while 3 patients with axial involvement were HLAB27 -. No pattern of DRB1 alleles was found to be significantly associated with any of the spondyloarthropathies.
Conclusion: This first genetic study on genetic polymorphism among Filipino patients strengthened the association of HLAB27 with AS. However, there was no pattern of association with HLADRB1 alleles in this cohort of patients.
This is the first study that confirms a significant HLAB27 susceptibility of Filipino spondyloarthropathy patients. However, exploratory findings did not find a HLADRB1 genotype to extend a similar susceptibility pattern.
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